

Convenient Location

The new Residence 2 is the first project in the area of Darste-New Braşov (Bucharest Way 254) and is so well located. wondered how we did not think to develop it earlier! We have intuited the area’s potential to deliver what we all want today: HEALTH and TIME Simply RESPIRE THE NATURE (very close to the foresti while YOU ARE CONCERNED TO ALL THAT THE CITYMEANS

When you choose to live in The New Residence 2. youchoose to HAVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU: easy accessto Bucharest, the Beltway and the Brasov Center, direct connections to the best leisure and leisure areas in Brasov, as well as quick access to school, kindergartens and major shopping centers of the city. And these are just a small part of the facilities of the ensemble!

Close To Nature,
But Near The City's Facilities

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Sed commodo enim mi, sed posuere enim tincidunt sit amet. Vivamus rutrum dolor nec nulla maximus, in hendrerit enim viverra.

Donec posuere erat pellentesque tortor volutpat, finibus aliquam ante placerat. Cras felis elit, gravida ut iaculis non, molestie vel leo. Phasellus placerat diam enim, in hendrerit ex bibendum sed. Nunc malesuada velit sit amet diam ullamcorper tincidunt. Etiam porta accumsan turpis. Mauris tristique volutpat magna, in mollis justo luctus in.

Forest And Lake
Adventure Park
Tennis Court

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